Social Media, Technology and How They Influence Culture

Technology advancements are allowing for social media platforms to quickly evolve to societal demands. As audiences demand faster and better ways to consume multimedia content, technology continues to shape and be shaped by this culture shift to online (H. Esquina, Personal Communication, 2017).

For instance, YouTube has become one of the most effective means of entertainment, communication, and education (Rodriguez, 2015). There are almost five billion videos watched on YouTube every single day, and the services it offers are changing to keep with the trend that 6 out of 10 people will prefer online video platforms to live TV (36 Mind Blowing YouTube Facts, Figures and Statistics, 2017).

Every multimedia platform, whether YouTube or Facebook, has influenced culture and society in their own distinct and influential way, whether through consumption changes or technological advancements.


Rodriguez, K. (2015, November 30). Effects of Mass Media on Society: How Media           Convergence Changed Our World. Retrieved on October 21st, 2017 from  

36 Mind Blowing YouTube Facts, Figures and Statistics - 2017”. (2017 July 29). Retrieved on October 21st, 2017 from


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